Case Studies

Linergrip - Olympic Water Mains
During the Olympic build, Viking Johnson teamed up with specialist pipelining contractors Subterra, to repair damage to the Olympic water mains. Eight Viking Johnson LinerGrips were installed inside four weeks, a trouble-free installation and commissioning program that was completed ahead of schedule.
Subterra’s Subline close-fit PE liners, terminated with Viking Johnson’s LinerGrip fittings, offered the quickest and most costeffective
lining solution for the mains, referred to locally as the “Finsbury Park 42” main” and the “Woodford 36” main.”
During March 2010, work was well advanced on developing the Olympic park, when without warning the 42” cast iron main burst resulting in a flood that left the site barely workable for a period of two weeks. At two strategic locations on the park site, it was impossible to renew the pipeline with the new ductile mains so a decision was made to utilise the existing cast iron mains and install a close-fit, non-structural PE liner that would use LinerGrip as its termination fitting.
Commenting on the project Norman Howell - Subterra - Director of Business Development stated “We have had many years
problem-free experience in the use of LinerGrip as an assured means for terminating thin-walled liners.”