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Wastewater & Water Treatment
Mechanical Jointing Solutions

The Impact of Climate Change

More frequent extreme UK weather events

Disrupting weather patterns, unpredictable water availability & contaminated water supplies can drastically effect the quantity & quality of water. In England, 65% of areas are deemed to be under serious water stress according to the Environment Agency Report Water stressed areas – final classification 2021.

United Nations World Water Development Report 2018 stated that nearly 6 billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050.

England Water Stress Areas
Water contaminatio

Water contamination

Flash flooding

Flash flooding

Water shortages

Water shortages

Bad Weather

Water treatment is extremely critical for public health & environmental protection

The primary goal of water treatment is to remove contamination and reduce impurities, to ensure it meets the required legal standards and that it is safe for its intended purposes such as drinking water for the population and ready to use for various industrial processes.

Viking Johnson manufacture fittings that are essential for the efficient and reliable operation of water treatment plants, ensuring the safe and consistent delivery of clean water to communities and industry.

Our connections achieve the following key benefits for the water treatment and environmental sector:

  • Engineered for movement and expansion in the system to prevent stresses that lead to leaks or breakages
  • Optimum access to critical assets enables easy routine maintenance to be completed
  • Allow pipelines to be kept operational, through repair and maintenance programmes
  • Designed for a long service life thereby reducing total infrastructure installed cost

“The water industry needs to deliver a step change in investment and performance”

David Black, Chief Executive, OFWAT

Water Filtration

Looking to The Future

According to the UK water utilities business plans for AMP8, water companies are proposing a significant increase in investment in the period of 2025-2030 which will continue to grow over the subsequent AMP cycles into 2045-50.

This investment is essential to maintain the highest quality drinking water for a growing population, ensure the security of our water supply in the future and significantly reduce the amount of sewage entering rivers and seas.

How will this be achieved:

  • Building new reservoirs to secure UK water supplies
  • Invest to reduce overflow spills at more than triple the current rate, and modernisation of sewers
  • Install advanced technology at sewage works to remove phosphorous from rivers

Estimated water and wastewater enhancement expenditure across the next five asset management periods (AMP’s).

 estimated water and wastewater enhancement table

All amounts in financial year average 2022/23 prices, CPIH deflated. Enhancement expenditure excludes investments considered eligible for DPC or SIPR. Forecast investment data based on long-term delivery strategy core pathway.
Source: Ofwat, companies’ AMP8 business plan data tables


Wastewater is generated from residential, commercial and industrial applications and also from rainwater/surface run off.

The wastewater is then transferred to a treatment facility via a network of pipes which are either pressurised to influence the flow of water (rising mains) or via gravity where the fluids flow due to gravitational pull.
The wastewater is then screened where solid objects such as foods, plastics and wipes are collected and transported to landfill.
The fluid is then settled in a tank(s), where then the liquids return to the flow for treatment, but any solids (sludge) is then extracted and can be used for beneficial purposes such as organic soil conditioner.
The fluid then enters basins which increases the oxygen levels, which helps separate micro organisms such as phosphorous which is then removed from the effluent.
The fluid then goes through a further separation/clarifier process that separates out other materials which are then recycled.
The treated Water then goes through a series of filters, which removes any remaining solids but allows the treated water to pass. Before the treated water is released into the water stream it is purified typically by passing through a UV light.

Mechanical Joint Solutions from Viking Johnson

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